Announcing new CAD Designer, Floyd Potter
Wi-Skies Electrical and Structural Engineering, is excited to announce the full-time hiring of CAD Designer, Floyd Potter, effective July 5, 2016 – welcome aboard!
Project Manager of Wi-Skies, LLC, Floyd brings over twenty-seven years of diverse engineering experience, with a focus on Georgia DOT roadway design and engineering.
His strengths are hydrology and storm water engineering, horizontal and vertical profile design, erosion and sedimentation, signage and striping, utility plan and coordination, cost estimating and bid document preparation.
Mr. Potter is extremely proficient with Microstation V8i and other various design software and has worked directly with Georgia DOT and Local Governments in designing Streetscape projects consisting of sidewalk design, decorative pavers/crosswalks, drainage design, curb & gutter design, landscaping, irrigation, decorative street lighting, and utility design.
Floyd is very familiar with all aspects of Georgia DOT specification and standards as well as AASHTO’s Green Book (Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets) for design and construction.
Assistant Designer for SR 53 at SR 183 Roundabout Lighting for Georgia Department of Transportation.
GDOT is revising a three-legged intersection to a roundabout due several high speed accidents. SR 183 terminates into SR 53 at the intersection while SR 53 continues east to west, all of which are rural roads with speed limits of 55 MPH, with only yield signs at each leg, creating a dangerous situation. Add in that drivers along westbound SR 53 experience a blind curve entering the intersection without the need to yield makes it treacherous. The new roundabout will force traffic in all directions to slow down to at least a crawl before proceeding. The addition of lighting in the rural and very dark area will also assist visibility and therefore safety to the roundabout’s performance. Floyd led the CAD effort to develop final plan sheets, verify quantities and verify GDOT CADD conformance.
Assistant Designer for SR 347 at New Bethany Rd Roundabout Lighting for GDOT.
SR 347 is located directly south of Lake Lanier and serves many of the lakefront businesses along the lake, and is being re-aligned and expanded. As part of the project, the intersection of SR 347 with New Bethany Rd is being converted to a roundabout and moving several hundred feet north. As the area near the lake, it is sensitive to light pollution and hence a low lumen LED fixture is being utilized at 30’ to minimize light pollution concerns while also meeting horizontal illuminance requirements for the roundabout and vertical illuminance requirements at each crosswalk.
Assistant Designer for SR 52 at SR 183 Roundabout Lighting (GDOT).
Floyd put together the photometric and plan sheets for the lighting design including photometric calculations, plans, specifications and quantities, to a three-legged roundabout at the rural intersection of SR 52 at SR 183 in Dawson County, GA. The existing intersection is being revised to a roundabout due several high speed accidents, for which the roundabout will force traffic in all directions to slow down to at least a crawl before proceeding. The addition of lighting in the rural and very dark area will also assist visibility and therefore safety to the roundabout’s performance.
Assistant Designer for Lighting along SR 30/90/US 280/16th St from I-75 to Midway Rd for Georgia DOT.
Due to the heavy volume of truck and other traffic at the interchange due to the large commercial presence, the Department is widening the roadway from the northbound interchange ramp intersection to the Midway Rd intersection, where a Pilot exists. Because of the high pedestrian traffic in the area, lighting is being extended from the interchange to Midway. As the existing lighting system is HPS, the new portion will be HPS to match. Floyd assisted in lighting design with this project by meeting with the local utility company to coordinate the service point location and verify clearance requirements for many new lines. He also led the plan development effort to verify within GDOT CADD compliance and verified quantities for the new lighting system.
Project Designer for Jeffersonville Rd and Millerfield Rd Lighting (City of Macon/Bibb County)
As part of a large scale area of urban improvement, Floyd was lead designer for two segments which encompass a total of 1.8 miles of urban collector roadway. The five lane roadway cross-section consists of dual lanes in each direction with a middle turn lane throughout. Design included drainage studies, drainage calculations and design, curb & gutter design, sidewalk design, erosion and sedimentation control, signage and marking, utility coordination, landscaping coordination, horizontal and vertical design, Right-of Way Plans, typical section design, staging plans, driveway design, and culvert design. The design was done in Caice and Microstation software, all design was done in accordance with Georgia DOT standards and specifications, AASHTO and ADA requirements. Plans were done in accordance with Georgia DOT Plan Presentation Guide and Electronic Data Guidelines.