Langford Parkway Lighting Replacement
Langford Parkway is a major thoroughfare which connects I-285 to I-85 north of the Atlanta airport in the southwest side of the city. The corridor was originally built as an urban collector, but over time has become an access control freeway with entrance and exit ramps.
However, urban curb still exists in portions of the roadway and the lighting was installed based on the original urban collector setting and subsequent setbacks. Because of this, most of the lighting installed on the outside of the roadway is within unprotected clear zone and subject to frequent knock-downs. As the entire 6.5 mile corridor is continuously lit, this results in a lot of maintenance. To properly address this situation, coupled with inadequate lighting, the recommendation was made to provide a new lighting system through the corridor which will increase pole setbacks coupled with barrier protection as warranted. This new lighting system will also replace and upgrade the existing lighting along the median wall, where applicable.
As the corridor was untouched for decades, full survey, LIDAR and SUE is necessary, which we are coordinating the effort on through our sub-consultant. The entire electrical system, including service point locations, cabling and conduit except for that within the barrier walls for the lighting system will be replaced as part of this project as well.
View video of Langford Parkway by FreewayJim